- Malaysia
Applications for TECH PLANTER in Malaysia has closed with 38 entries!
Thank you to all the applicants who applied for the TECH PLANTER program in Malaysia 2020. Official application has closed on 5th of June 2020 with 38 teams entries.
Leave a Nest will be screening through the different entries for TECH PLAN DEMO DAY. Selection will be done through documents checking, due-diligence and interviews. Announcement of finalists will be made on 3rd July 2020. Finalists will then be mentored by seasoned Leave a Nest members in preparation for final TECH PLAN DEMO DAY.
Overview of TECH PLAN DEMO DAY in Malaysia 2020:
- Date: 18th of July 2020 (Saturday)
- Time: 08:30-14:30 hrs (Malaysia time)
- Location: Aerodyne Campus, Cyberjaya (TBC)
- Contents: Presentation, judges review, result announcement
- Website: https://en.techplanter.com/events
For enquiries: [email protected]; [email protected]