- Taiwan
Novel Medical Device team EpiFaith, from Taiwan
Team EpiFaith is aiming to take away pain from epidural injection with new syringe application. Their product has 3 advantages. 1) prevent spinal cord damage during procedure, 2) Easy to use, 3) save time.
The team are made up of 7 students studying various backgrounds and comprised of different age group. Youngest being bachelor students in Medicine and International Business. 3 master students are expert in Biomedical Engineering and Mechanical Engineering. 2 PhD candidates specializes in Bioinformatics and Mechanical Engineering. This diverse background helps this team to develop unique product like EpiFaith.
This team is aiming to promote product in Taiwan as starting ground but also looking into the possibility of setting up a company and extending their service to the other part of Asia in the future.
They become 1st Runner at 1st Tech Plan Grand Prix Taiwan. They got chance to pitch at 2nd Tech Plan Grand Prix which held at Tokyo.
Pitch at Tokyo