- Malaysia
- Region
eDNAnalayzer is the winner for the TECH PLAN DEMO DAY in Malaysia 2016
2016/06/06On June 3, Friday, 2nd TECH PLAN DEMO DAY in Malaysia (formally known as TECH PLAN GRAND PRIX) has been held at Universiti Malaya, UMCIC seminar room 2. 12 finalist teams had a chance to appeal their ideas directly to the top management teams from Japanese privates sectors and top decision makers from Malaysian Technology Transfer Institutions.
Grand Winner: eDNAnalyzer
Mitsui Chemicals Awards: Momordica
Leave a Nest Co., Ltd Awards: Algal Biomass
Leave a Nest Malaysia Sdn. Bhd. Awards: Nefeli Fruits Vinegar
This year we had overwhelming number of application entry from over 6 universities around Malaysia and also from some start ups. Past 2 months each teams had at least 1 skype meeting with Leave a Nest and partners before selection has been made to final 12 teams.
For list of finalist teams please check this site out.
Out of 12 teams, 1 team received a grand winning award of 200,000 JPY (equivalent to 7,600 MYR) for seed money and travel tickets and accommodation to attend TECH PLAN DEMO DAY in Singapore on 23rd July.
For regional information on TECH PLAN DEMO DAY
Last year's article about the event.
Look out for next year TECH PLAN DEMO DAY in Malaysia by visiting Leave a Nest Malaysia site!
For more information about TECH PLANTER & DEMO DAY, or interested in sponsoring next year's TECH PLANTER, please contact us.